giovedì 21 ottobre 2010
17:43 | Pubblicato da
Jenn R.S. |
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I don't have much to write about, just one small complaint. Does every 15 month old refuse red meat or is it just mine? For whatever crazy reason Izzie is refusing red meat. She loves chicken and fish, she even likes pork (as well as prosciutto), but don't give her red meat because it will end up on the floor right beneath her high chair. Any suggestions on how to make red meat inviting to her tiny palate??
-Mamma Jenn
venerdì 8 ottobre 2010
09:06 | Pubblicato da
Jenn R.S. |
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Today is the day...D-Day for Izzie. We have decided to start weaning her today, such a horrible mother I am to give her this as a 15 month gift, but it has to be done. A part of me wants to continue nursing her just to avoid the tantrums she'll throw when I refuse to nurse her. Another part of me lives in a magical world where Izzie will self-wean very soon and I won't have to worry about her crying and fussing. And another part of me lives in the real word and wants to own my entire body again, boobs included. Fifteen months is a HUGE accomplishment, I never in my wildest dreams imagined I would nurse her this long. I figured that if I could make it to a year I was already some kind of Super Mom, but 15 Months!! Let me clarify something before I am hated by non-nursing moms. I am not one whom believes that if you didn't nurse your child that you're not a real mom or such things, I believe each mother-child is different and everyone has different needs. Anyway, going back to my drama here...I know I've stated in different occasions that I really wanted to wean her and start teaching her to sleep in her own crib and I am aware that I didn't do it. I didn't even begin or even come close to beginning, but this time I will try. I've been told to offer a bottle instead of nursing her and since she will be crying like a maniac, in the end I will nurse her, but this is ONLY daytime. Night time it'll be bottle or nothing. Poor baby! Well, she should be waking up pretty soon, so I guess I'll start preparing her bottle...wish me luck!!
-Mamma Jenn
-Mamma Jenn
martedì 5 ottobre 2010
20:00 | Pubblicato da
Jenn R.S. |
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October 5th 2010, I like this date to start writing again, hopefully I can add this post since my modem is dying. It's been a while since I last wrote, I seriously thought I would blog while on vacation at my parents' house--yeah right!! The month and a half we were in Texas flew by so quick but we enjoyed ourselves to the fullest. Izzie had her American First Birthday party out there, thanks to my parents and to my brother and sister-in-law. The party was a total success, they invited some of my friends which happen to have babies! I loved the fact that there were lots of babies there. Izzie grew up so much during our vacation, it was unbelievable the things she learned and how quick she learned them. She started saying many more words, all in English, so I guess now we know which language she started speaking first. As of now, her Italian word is "Nonno", Grandpa and "can" which she is trying to say "cane," dog. She is in love with dogs, but she doesn't like the dogs to get close to her...she tries her best to go up to them, but the moment they go towards her, she runs the opposite direction. Not so long ago we took her to a Dog Show and she had a blast! After the Dog Show, any 4-legged animal that resembles a dog is now a dog, even if it has curly hair, for instance a sheep, it's still a dog. Of course how would she know the difference between a dog and sheep when there were all kinds of breeds there, right? Another thing she really loves is being outdoors, thank God the weather is still nice enough to have her outside. It is getting kinda chilly, but I figure jeans and a jacket will keep her warm enough to have her play outside. Here is a picture I took of her while she was playing outside, it's one of my favorite pics and with this I end today's post. I know, probably not too exciting, but it's dinner time and I really am hoping the modem won't go crazy while I upload the picture and post this entry.

-Mamma Jenn
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About Me

- Jenn R.S.
- Roma, Italy
- Loving and living life to the fullest for God has blessed me with the most wonderful gifts ever: my husband Roberto, my little girl Isabella Nadine, my 2nd baby whose debut we are waiting for,my family and friends.