martedì 28 luglio 2009
22:29 | Pubblicato da
Jenn R.S. |
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Well I haven't written in a long time, but it was to be expected as being a first time mom isn't easy. Our baby Isabella Nadine was born on 07-08-09 at 6.52pm, she weighed 3.180 kg and measured 50 cm long. The birthing experience was not bad at all, I was admitted into the birthing center at 10.15am and at that point I was only 2 cm dilated and my "water bag" had punctured. I didn't have bad contractions, I just felt bad menstrual like pains. At 1pm I still didn't have those bad labor contractions, instead I was having lunch! After a while I did start feeling those labor contractions but I was able to tolerate them. I was walking with my hubby back and forth along the hallway, as time progressed the contractions were getting stronger and stronger. I made it thru 7cm without the epidural and believe it or not it was my worship music (Mercy Me and the David Crowder Band) that got me through the contractions! I requested the epidural and by the time that it kicked in I had already arrived to 8cm, so basically I was without medication up 'til 8cm, I was very proud of me! The actual delivery took about 25-30 min, it wasn't long at all!
Izzie and I came home after 3 days, that's normal in Italy. By the 2nd day I wanted to go home so bad!! Izzie kept me up at night, but she also kept up the other two moms in my room, I felt bad for them, but I especially felt bad for Izzie because I had no idea of what to do! I am very grateful that there was a nurse that taught me how to breastfeed correctly and that made things go much smoother for the 2 of us. However, Izzie still cried, why? Perhaps because it was too hot in the room? Unfortuntately for us, the a/c in our room didn't work well, so we were sweating like little pigs! Even I couldn't tolerate the heat, imagine a newborn! I thanked God the day that we came home, finally Izzie was home with us.
She is 20 days old today and it seems like she is much older for several reasons, she is so strong and so alert! She does things that a newborn shouldn't do right now, for example turn herself...if you place her tummy facing down, she turns herself sideways and then turns again to face up! She also follows noises with her head. Tomorrow we're going to a pediatrician's visit, we'll see what we're told. For now I must end this here as I hear her starting to wake up.
-Mamma Jenn
martedì 7 luglio 2009
21:26 | Pubblicato da
Jenn R.S. |
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So today I went for my weekly fetal monitoring and I have come to the conclusion that Izzie hates them...she falls asleep and there are no contractions, no big show from her part. To wake her up I actually have to eat some candy! As for the contractions part, well, that can't be controlled, but I find it hilarious that on our way to the birthing clinic, she is awake and dancing to whatever music we are listening to in the car. The moment I get hooked up to the fetal monitoring machines, she falls asleep, she won't even move! The monitoring went well, just no contractions so I was told by the obstetrician following the monitoring that I could go back in 5-7 days for another session but to confirm with my Gyn doctor. My Gyn doctor said I needed to go back on Friday and that I am not at 39 weeks +3 days as we knew, but Izzie's gestational period is actually at 40 weeks + 3 days! I am confused because he came up with Izzie's gestational period thru an does that work?? Now I have no idea if I am really at 39 weeks plus days or 40 weeks plus days...all I really care about is that Izzie's health is in tip top condition which thank God it is. We'll see what happens on Friday. :o)
Oggi ho fatto il monitoraggio settimanale e sono arrivata alla conclusione che a Izzie non piace fare il monitoraggio. Ogni volta che sono andata a farlo, si addormenta ed addiritura devo mangiare qualche caramella per svegliarla. La cosa più simpatica è che quando stiamo andando verso la clinica lei balla e si muove tanto quando sente la musica che ascoltiamo in macchina. Però, quando incomincio a fare il monitoraggio, si addormenta e non si muove più! Il monitoraggio di oggi è andato bene, non ho avuto nessuna contrazione quindi mi hanno detto di tornare tra 5 a 7 giorni però dovevo confermare con il mio dottore. Il mio Ginecologo mi ha chiesto di tornare venerdì e ci ha detto che io non sono a 39 settimane + 3 giorni come sapevamo, ma siamo a 40 settimane + 3 giorni. Sono molto confusa perchè lui ha calcolato l'epoca gestazionale tramite un'ecografia....come funziona?? Adesso non ho idea se sono realmente a 39 settimane + giorni o 40 settimane + giorni. L'unica cosa che mi interessa è che la salute di Izzie sia buona e grazie a Dio lo è. Vedremo che succederà venerdì. :o)
-Mamma Jenn
Oggi ho fatto il monitoraggio settimanale e sono arrivata alla conclusione che a Izzie non piace fare il monitoraggio. Ogni volta che sono andata a farlo, si addormenta ed addiritura devo mangiare qualche caramella per svegliarla. La cosa più simpatica è che quando stiamo andando verso la clinica lei balla e si muove tanto quando sente la musica che ascoltiamo in macchina. Però, quando incomincio a fare il monitoraggio, si addormenta e non si muove più! Il monitoraggio di oggi è andato bene, non ho avuto nessuna contrazione quindi mi hanno detto di tornare tra 5 a 7 giorni però dovevo confermare con il mio dottore. Il mio Ginecologo mi ha chiesto di tornare venerdì e ci ha detto che io non sono a 39 settimane + 3 giorni come sapevamo, ma siamo a 40 settimane + 3 giorni. Sono molto confusa perchè lui ha calcolato l'epoca gestazionale tramite un'ecografia....come funziona?? Adesso non ho idea se sono realmente a 39 settimane + giorni o 40 settimane + giorni. L'unica cosa che mi interessa è che la salute di Izzie sia buona e grazie a Dio lo è. Vedremo che succederà venerdì. :o)
-Mamma Jenn
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About Me

- Jenn R.S.
- Roma, Italy
- Loving and living life to the fullest for God has blessed me with the most wonderful gifts ever: my husband Roberto, my little girl Isabella Nadine, my 2nd baby whose debut we are waiting for,my family and friends.