sabato 22 maggio 2010
10:03 | Pubblicato da
Jenn R.S. |
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I meant to write on either the last day of April or the 1st of May, but that didn't happen as always when I plan things. I'm learning that being spontaneous is the best way to lead one's life because not everything can be planned. Izzie is now 10.5 months, I am in total awe at how fast time has flown!! I probably say that everytime I write, but it's just that I find it totally amazing how my little baby is growing! Milestones galore! Izzie had already been walking around the couch and in her playpen while holding on to the edges, well on the 18th of April she started walking by her self. At first she would take some steps, like 10 and then she would stop, but then she just decided to continue, she kept walking... now she's practically running! She also now has 4 chompers, two on the bottom and two on the top, they're adorable! She now eats pizza really well, in fact, bread and pizza are two of her favorites. I wonder what babies around the world like at this age? I remember the babies my Mom babysat and I don't recall them eating bread or pizza, but they did eat tortillas! I wonder now that they're are grown, do they still like tortillas? I am sure that Izzie will be loving pizza for a VERY long time. ;) One other thing Izzie really enjoys is strawberry gelato. I know, I know, I probably should not be giving her gelato at all, but it doesn't contain milk so it won't harm her and yes, it does have sugar, but doesn't Gerber's baby food also contain sugar? On the 8th of May, the day she turned 10 months I decided to give her her very first gelato cone, she ate it all!! Everyone that saw her eating her gelato was impressed to see such a little girl eating a cone by herself...impressive? Nah! Just very cute!! I promised her I would give her ice cream by her 1st birthday, but I love ice cream too much and I gave in and gave her some to try...she's an ice cream/gelato lover just like her Mommy. :)
Last weekend we went to Bologna, it was Izzie's 1st car trip and she did well considering it was her 1st time, thank goodness the trip was only 3.5 hours. When we did stop for a lunch break, Izzie was very happy to be able to walk on solid ground. If she only knew that she has to prepare herself for a 14 hour plane trip come July. Yikes!! Bologna was fun and very pretty...oh and the cuisine was delicious!! I even had some real bologna, yes, Mr. Oscar Mayer couldn't use bologna's real name because it's one of those exclusive names and I'm sure because it's harder to remember, Mortadella.
Well, I won't promise to blog more or blog sooner, like I said, it's better to be spontaneous, so I'll see you all next time!
-Mamma Jenn
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About Me

- Jenn R.S.
- Roma, Italy
- Loving and living life to the fullest for God has blessed me with the most wonderful gifts ever: my husband Roberto, my little girl Isabella Nadine, my 2nd baby whose debut we are waiting for,my family and friends.
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