lunedì 11 luglio 2011
09:50 | Pubblicato da
Jenn R.S. |
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I'm a little behind in posting Izzie's 2nd birthday, only 3 days late, not bad. We haven't yet celebrated her birthday since we are waiting for my Mom to arrive from the States. Apparently we won't have many attendees because everyone is heading off to the beach and vacation during this time, which I don't blame them. The heat is ferocious and if I could, I myself would be floating in the ocean. Problem is, at this point I might be confused with a whale! :)
My poor Izzie celebrated her 2nd birthday at the birthing clinic where she was born, I am having CTG monitoring done more often now that I'm getting closer to Sophie's EDD. I'm just glad Izzie still doesn't understand birthdays, but I know she's going to enjoy her party. Below is a picture of Izzie while at lunch on her birthday and then at a summer party we attended the day after. Of course I'll be posting pics of her birthday party. Until then...take care!
-Mamma Jenn
Enjoying some yummy pasta!
Playing in the sand!
My poor Izzie celebrated her 2nd birthday at the birthing clinic where she was born, I am having CTG monitoring done more often now that I'm getting closer to Sophie's EDD. I'm just glad Izzie still doesn't understand birthdays, but I know she's going to enjoy her party. Below is a picture of Izzie while at lunch on her birthday and then at a summer party we attended the day after. Of course I'll be posting pics of her birthday party. Until then...take care!
-Mamma Jenn
mercoledì 6 luglio 2011
22:07 | Pubblicato da
Jenn R.S. |
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So today I am at the 37 week mark and I really cannot wait any longer for Sophie to be born. Today I went to the birthing clinic to have fetal monitoring done and I have to return on Friday. I have no idea how many monitoring sessions I will have done this time around, I'm just glad I paid for a package where you can have as many fetal monitorings as needed all in one price. I was told that Sophie is already head down and she's quite low, but that doesn't mean anything. In the end babies come when they think it's right, not when we hope they come. This week and the coming week are busy weeks. Tomorrow is Izzie's 2 year check-up and then on Friday, which is Izzie's birthday, unfortunately we'll be in the birthing clinic. Next week Mom arrives and I'm so excited about that, I can't wait to have her here!! Well, I'm just rambling now and I bet I'm not even making sense, I'm quite tired right now, so I'm off to bed and try to sleep. Nowadays it's kinda hard to sleep with a huge whale belly and just the fact that Sophie moves a lot too.
Good nite and I'll write more next time...who knows, maybe the next time I write it'll be after Sophie is born.
-Mamma Jenn
Good nite and I'll write more next time...who knows, maybe the next time I write it'll be after Sophie is born.
-Mamma Jenn
mercoledì 8 giugno 2011
17:53 | Pubblicato da
Jenn R.S. |
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Each of my girls are 23 months and 33 weeks today. I cannot believe that in one month exactly my baby will be 2 years and that in 7 weeks I should be giving birth to our new baby girl. My baby Izzie will no longer be my baby, well, she always will be, but now she's going to be my little girl. We are already planning her 2nd birthday as my Mom will be bringing all the party supplies from abroad. I know Izzie is going to love this birthday party. We have chosen Elmo as the theme since that is her favorite character and I'm pretty sure next year she'll be choosing her own theme. As for our other baby, I have 7 weeks left!! I began my countdown at 10 weeks, but for some odd reason I couldn't remember today how many weeks I had left and when I realized it was only 7, I started freaking out! I am a huge pregnant whale, this pregnancy is definitely different from the past one. I wonder how different the two girls will be. I don't know if I ever posted that we have finally chosen a name for this baby, her name will be Sophie Elize. We were having the hardest time with the middle name, but I finally found it and my husband agreed to it.
Yesterday morning I started thinking about how odd it will be to have another baby sleeping in the crib that is still in our bedroom. Izzie hardly slept in her crib, she hated it. I being the softie that I am, gave in and had her sleep with us and boy have I learned my lesson. Sophie will be sleeping in her crib like it or not. I think I started spoiling Izzie when we were still in the hospital, she would cry and cry and I would do everything to calm her down but nothing would work. Finally I put her to sleep with me on my bed and she would sleep. I know Doctors claim that babies do not know at that young age what it means to be spoiled, but I think they do. Babies are far more intelligent than what they are given credit for; they know what feels good and tastes good, so I'm sure that Izzie knew exactly what she was given when I had her sleep next to me--comfort. I must admit that although Izzie slept between us for almost 2 years, the transition of sending her off to her own bedroom and bed wasn't bad at all. I think a lot of it had to do with the fact that her bed is as big as ours and when we prepared her room for her, she immediately jumped onto her bed and pretended she was sleeping there. She likes her room a lot and she sleeps well there too. She does wake up once or twice during the night, but that is something she was doing while sleeping with us so it's nothing new. I feel bad for her Daddy because it is her Daddy that puts her to sleep and comforts her when she wakes up in the middle of the night. Every once in a while she will request for Mommy, but it's mainly Daddy that she wants. She's really becoming a Daddy's little girl and whenever I see how loving she is with her Daddy, I really miss mine. Well, that's all for this's a pic of her that I took after she "brightened" herself, maybe she was celebrating her own 23 months. :)

-Mamma Jenn
Yesterday morning I started thinking about how odd it will be to have another baby sleeping in the crib that is still in our bedroom. Izzie hardly slept in her crib, she hated it. I being the softie that I am, gave in and had her sleep with us and boy have I learned my lesson. Sophie will be sleeping in her crib like it or not. I think I started spoiling Izzie when we were still in the hospital, she would cry and cry and I would do everything to calm her down but nothing would work. Finally I put her to sleep with me on my bed and she would sleep. I know Doctors claim that babies do not know at that young age what it means to be spoiled, but I think they do. Babies are far more intelligent than what they are given credit for; they know what feels good and tastes good, so I'm sure that Izzie knew exactly what she was given when I had her sleep next to me--comfort. I must admit that although Izzie slept between us for almost 2 years, the transition of sending her off to her own bedroom and bed wasn't bad at all. I think a lot of it had to do with the fact that her bed is as big as ours and when we prepared her room for her, she immediately jumped onto her bed and pretended she was sleeping there. She likes her room a lot and she sleeps well there too. She does wake up once or twice during the night, but that is something she was doing while sleeping with us so it's nothing new. I feel bad for her Daddy because it is her Daddy that puts her to sleep and comforts her when she wakes up in the middle of the night. Every once in a while she will request for Mommy, but it's mainly Daddy that she wants. She's really becoming a Daddy's little girl and whenever I see how loving she is with her Daddy, I really miss mine. Well, that's all for this's a pic of her that I took after she "brightened" herself, maybe she was celebrating her own 23 months. :)
-Mamma Jenn
lunedì 2 maggio 2011
11:18 | Pubblicato da
Jenn R.S. |
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Okay, so I know it's been a while since I last blogged. Last time I blogged I was 20 weeks pregnant, in 2 days I'll be 28 weeks pregnant-- 3rd trimester! 7 months pregnant!! Time is flying by, but in a way I feel like it isn't at all. Only when I think about the time left for our baby girl to be born or when I think of when my Mom is supposed to get here then do I freak out. We're looking at 12 weeks for Sophie to be born and 10 weeks for Mom to get here. I do have many things to do before Mom gets here and most importantly before Sophie gets here, not to mention that Izzie is no help at times. At the time being she has an ugly cold, lots of congestion that makes her sleep bad because she coughes so much at night. Hopefully this cold will go away soon and she won't pass it on to either Roberto or myself. We've been on this crazy cycle where each one of us has gotten sick with a cold or flu, this is Izzie's 2nd time, although I am beginning to think that maybe she just never got over her flu to begin with.
On a different note, I'd like to write about this weekend. It was a weekend full of many BREAKING NEWS as many online news sites post. The one I least care about is that on Friday 29th, Prince William and Kate Middleton got married and it seems like the world went crazy watching this wedding. I wasn't invited to the wedding, but I wish them the best. They may not be your everyday common people, but they are people with hearts and sentiments, so I wish their marriage the best. Nothing happened on Saturday April 30th, other than us going grocery shopping and Izzie having fun at some play gym we like to take her to. On Sunday May 1st, we celebrated the beatification of the late Pope John Paul II, now this was an event I really cared for. It was an awesome feeling knowing that 30 kilometers away from my house there were more than 1.5 million people celebrating in unison this beatification. If you're not a Catholic you probably could care less, but as a Catholic, this was an important event. I can imagine the feelings of joy that the Poles felt, it's such an honor for one of theirs to be beatified! Unfortunately I wasn't able to watch the entire celebratory mass because I was preparing lunch, I was making lasagna, but I was able to listen to the entire mass since I had the volume to the TV up and loud. Then the news that I found out about this Monday morning, May 2nd is that yesterday May 1st, Osama bin Laden was killed by US military force. President Obama announced the news at midnight Eastern time, so that was 6am Rome time. I have very mixed feelings about this event. Yes, I am glad that there is one less terrorist to worry about, but seriously I don't know that this makes the terrorist war any better. I mean, so Osama was killed, but then there is his #2 man, was he also killed? And let's say #2 gets killed, then there's #3, in other words, it never ends. I don't want to be negative, but it's scary. I see this as a time where the entire world needs to be super alert and a time for prayer. I wouldn't call Osama's death justice, but rather just something that had to be done. I feel that the more people call it justice the more that terrorist group will be upset and want to retaliate. Prayer, prayer, lots of prayer!!!
Well, that was my rambling for this time...I have a sick child that is calling out for Mommy.
Until next time,
Mamma Jenn
On a different note, I'd like to write about this weekend. It was a weekend full of many BREAKING NEWS as many online news sites post. The one I least care about is that on Friday 29th, Prince William and Kate Middleton got married and it seems like the world went crazy watching this wedding. I wasn't invited to the wedding, but I wish them the best. They may not be your everyday common people, but they are people with hearts and sentiments, so I wish their marriage the best. Nothing happened on Saturday April 30th, other than us going grocery shopping and Izzie having fun at some play gym we like to take her to. On Sunday May 1st, we celebrated the beatification of the late Pope John Paul II, now this was an event I really cared for. It was an awesome feeling knowing that 30 kilometers away from my house there were more than 1.5 million people celebrating in unison this beatification. If you're not a Catholic you probably could care less, but as a Catholic, this was an important event. I can imagine the feelings of joy that the Poles felt, it's such an honor for one of theirs to be beatified! Unfortunately I wasn't able to watch the entire celebratory mass because I was preparing lunch, I was making lasagna, but I was able to listen to the entire mass since I had the volume to the TV up and loud. Then the news that I found out about this Monday morning, May 2nd is that yesterday May 1st, Osama bin Laden was killed by US military force. President Obama announced the news at midnight Eastern time, so that was 6am Rome time. I have very mixed feelings about this event. Yes, I am glad that there is one less terrorist to worry about, but seriously I don't know that this makes the terrorist war any better. I mean, so Osama was killed, but then there is his #2 man, was he also killed? And let's say #2 gets killed, then there's #3, in other words, it never ends. I don't want to be negative, but it's scary. I see this as a time where the entire world needs to be super alert and a time for prayer. I wouldn't call Osama's death justice, but rather just something that had to be done. I feel that the more people call it justice the more that terrorist group will be upset and want to retaliate. Prayer, prayer, lots of prayer!!!
Well, that was my rambling for this time...I have a sick child that is calling out for Mommy.
Until next time,
Mamma Jenn
mercoledì 9 marzo 2011
22:30 | Pubblicato da
Jenn R.S. |
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Today baby #2 is 20 weeks and yesterday Izzie turned 20 months, it's rather odd that both turned "20" but one weeks and the other months. My poor Izzie celebrated her 20 months with a horrible stomach flu which she still hasn't gotten over. She woke up around 5.15am throwing up and it's the first time ever that she's thrown up, so I know she was scared and after the 7th time really tired. Thank God she didn't get a fever that was very high. She did get a fever, but not one to worry about a lot. Another thing is her diarrhea, she still has that going on. Bless her heart, I feel so bad for her because in her 20 months this is the 1st time that she gets really sick. Previous to this she had a runny nose and a fever that lasted 1.5 days each time, so 3 days total but for small insignificant things. Today she woke up asking for water and then some yogurt, so it was a good sign for me. She still doesn't have a huge appetite, but she's eaten a few crackers, some bread, half a yogurt, oh and some cheese. I don't care what she eats right now as long as she puts something in her stomach and retains it. Not too long ago, it's 10.30pm here, she started playing with her toys, VERY good sign. Yesterday she spent all day long in our bedroom on the bed. She would even come to the bed by herself and just go to sleep. She's the only one sick in the household, BUT I am starting to feel my throat a little sore and my bones have been aching all day long. :( I refuse to get sick, I don't want to get sick anymore.
On to nicer things...last Friday we had our Anatomy Ultrasound and it was awesome!! Our little Principessa, yes, we're having another girl!! She's doing really well, my OB/Gyn said all we need to do now is wait for her to grow more and deliver her--how exciting!! Of course I still have some analysis to do, and the one I hate is next, the Glucose Tolerance Test. I have faith that my test will go well and my results will be good, I know that thru Him all is possible and I will be gestational diabetes free! I will continue to pray for this.
Well Izzie is asking for something to eat now, so until next time!
-Mamma Jenn
On to nicer things...last Friday we had our Anatomy Ultrasound and it was awesome!! Our little Principessa, yes, we're having another girl!! She's doing really well, my OB/Gyn said all we need to do now is wait for her to grow more and deliver her--how exciting!! Of course I still have some analysis to do, and the one I hate is next, the Glucose Tolerance Test. I have faith that my test will go well and my results will be good, I know that thru Him all is possible and I will be gestational diabetes free! I will continue to pray for this.
Well Izzie is asking for something to eat now, so until next time!
-Mamma Jenn
mercoledì 23 febbraio 2011
16:17 | Pubblicato da
Jenn R.S. |
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Today we are at 18 weeks!! Two more weeks to go and we will be halfway through. Next week I am scheduled to have the BIG ultrasound, basically the anatomy ultrasound. I hope that the baby cooperates and allows her/him self to be seen, we'd like to find out the gender. We still have to decide on a male name, we've already chosen a female name...boys names are so difficult!
On a different topic, this past weekend we were invited to a baptism. It was Izzie's first time going to mass since her own baptism and we were only able to stay the first 5 minutes of the mass because she wanted to dance around on the pews. I felt so embarrassed, but isn't expected for a 19 month old to want to dance around? She probably felt joy, maybe that was her way of praising God!! Yeah, that's it!! Ok, who am I kidding, right? I tell my husband that I hope that we can baptize our baby #2 at the Vatican because I've heard that the ceremonies there are quick and short, at least that way whomever would have to deal with Izzie wouldn't go super crazy. Even though we didn't get to attend the baptismal mass, we did enjoy the reception afterwards, it was a 4 hour lunch! That is how the Italians party. . . have a LONG lunch! Here are some pics of my hubby and Izzie, myself and again Izzie.

Well, that's all I have for now. . . until next time!
-Mamma Jenn
On a different topic, this past weekend we were invited to a baptism. It was Izzie's first time going to mass since her own baptism and we were only able to stay the first 5 minutes of the mass because she wanted to dance around on the pews. I felt so embarrassed, but isn't expected for a 19 month old to want to dance around? She probably felt joy, maybe that was her way of praising God!! Yeah, that's it!! Ok, who am I kidding, right? I tell my husband that I hope that we can baptize our baby #2 at the Vatican because I've heard that the ceremonies there are quick and short, at least that way whomever would have to deal with Izzie wouldn't go super crazy. Even though we didn't get to attend the baptismal mass, we did enjoy the reception afterwards, it was a 4 hour lunch! That is how the Italians party. . . have a LONG lunch! Here are some pics of my hubby and Izzie, myself and again Izzie.
Well, that's all I have for now. . . until next time!
-Mamma Jenn
mercoledì 9 febbraio 2011
17:09 | Pubblicato da
Jenn R.S. |
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Today my little teddy bear, that's baby #2, turns 16 weeks...time is still going by too slow for me. However, since I am no longer feeling horrible with nausea I don't mind that time is going by slow. My next appointment won't be until another 2 weeks, I wonder if this time the baby will cooperate and let us see her/his gender. Yesterday my little Princess turned 19 months!! She has been growing up so fast!! Sometimes when I see a baby I cannot believe that Izzie was once tiny. I tell my hubby that I don't remember Izzie being little. She is still as active as ever if not even more...she talks more, although we don't understand what she's saying all the time and thanks be to God she's still a very healthy toddler. Tomorrow she has a check-up with her Pediatrician...poor Izzie, she hates him! Well, he's not the best looking doctor I must admit, but he is very nice to her which makes me feel awful since she always always always cries during her check-ups. Well that's all for now, the pics below are samples of her getting into even the smallest things :)

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About Me

- Jenn R.S.
- Roma, Italy
- Loving and living life to the fullest for God has blessed me with the most wonderful gifts ever: my husband Roberto, my little girl Isabella Nadine, my 2nd baby whose debut we are waiting for,my family and friends.