martedì 29 giugno 2010
22:05 | Pubblicato da
Jenn R.S. |
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9 days 'til the big is my second batch of cupcakes with a new recipe, I gave Martha's recipe a kick out the door and found this recipe in a blog from a lady in northern England. To be honest I found many vanilla cupcake recipes, but this one in particular inspired me the most and here is the result. ta-da!! They are beautiful and delicious, I am happier with this recipe than with Martha's. Tomorrow I want to try the vanilla frosting and see what comes of it.
-Mamma Jenn
lunedì 28 giugno 2010
18:16 | Pubblicato da
Jenn R.S. |
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In exactly 10 days Izzie will be 12 months or 1 year or 52 weeks or call it whatever you want. Today is my Mom's birthday, last year we were able to celebrate her since she was with us waiting for Izzie's arrival. Happy Birthday Mom, I love you!!
-Mamma Jenn
sabato 26 giugno 2010
20:55 | Pubblicato da
Jenn R.S. |
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...because Mamma Jenn is also making delicious vanilla cupcakes!!
After deciding that I wanted cupcakes for Izzie's first birthday party, I started my search for a good recipe and yes, I have decided to borrow Martha's recipe. Since I have never made cupcakes from scratch here in Italy, I figured I had to try them out at least once before the party...I didn't want to bake my experimental batch the night before. So, I made them praying that the "baking angels" would be by my side while I baked my first batch ever. They turned out delicious!! There is however one or two things that I am going to change to the recipe, just because I'm too much of a perfectionist and although they were good, they weren't perfect. Now I just need to try out a good frosting and I will be done. I will make sure to post pics of the party cupcakes.
On to a different we went shopping for gifts that we're planning on taking to my nieces and nephew back in Houston and let me tell you that it was exhausting!! My hubby ran out of energy running around afterIzzie everywhere in the mall. She even scared a poor little dog!! At all costs she wanted to pet the dog and the dog was afraid of Izzie. While grocery shopping she would climb on shelves and jump. She has way too much energy!! The only problem is that when she gets tired and wants to be nursed and sleep, she will scream her lungs out loud!!! At that point one has to stop everything and do what she wants or she will continue to sob and scream until she gets what she wants. Daddy may have run out of energy literally running after her, but my arms fell from the weight I carried around while nursing her and she fell asleep. After a long time and my arm almost falling off, I woke her up by placing her on her stroller, she woke up immediately. I was so glad she had woken up, otherwise she would have been woken up by the rain and hail that was falling on the way home. Yes, I did say hail. As I mentioned on my previous post, summer solsistice what? I don't think it's supposed to hail during the summer, or is it?
Right now Izzie is screaming and sobbing, it's time to sleep. Good nite...
-Mamma Jenn
lunedì 21 giugno 2010
22:03 | Pubblicato da
Jenn R.S. |
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June 21st, so, today is supposed to be the first day of Summer-- the celebration of Summer Solstice, but there is no celebrating going on in this part of Italy. Here it has been windy, gray and super chilly! Max daytime temps have been in the low 70s and night time has been in the 50s, now that sure doesn't feel like summer! I have a love-hate relationship with the Summer. It's my favorite season because I am a summer baby (I was born in August in Texas!!) and I love more light during the day, but I hate it because it's too darn hot and air conditioners are more of a luxury item in Italian households. They are slowly becoming more and more popular, but we still haven't joined the "elite Aircondition Owners group." I guess I shouldn't complain that we are not yet feeling the horrendous summer heat because in 22 days whether we like it or not we will be feeling and regretting the Texas Summer Fire!! Ok, now I'm going to enjoy the next few non-summer days ahead of me...until next time!
-Mamma Jenn
-Mamma Jenn
domenica 20 giugno 2010
23:02 | Pubblicato da
Jenn R.S. |
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Happy Father's Day to my wonderful Father!! I love you Daddy!! Thank you for everything you have taught me, for all your love, for your support, and most of all for being the best Daddy ever. I thank God for choosing you as my Daddy, He couldn't have done a better job and I pray He always blesses you with the best of everything.
Today is not only Father's day, but it's also my Father-in-Law's special day. Today my Father-in-Law turns 73 years young...Happy Birthday Ugo!!
Today has been a good day...
-Mamma Jenn
sabato 12 giugno 2010
21:33 | Pubblicato da
Jenn R.S. |
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Today is a special "I must blog this" kinda day. My hubby and I decided to start planning Izzie's 1st birthday party. It's not a very easy task for several reasons. One being that Italians definitely do not go party crazy like us Americans that like to have everything that belongs to a theme. Their cartoon character party items are very limited to Mickey Mouse, Cars, Hello Kitty, Winx, Tweety and Winnie-the-Pooh. There isn't a Martha Stewart lady that can guide you on having the "perfect, beautiful AND fun 1st birthday party," so what happens when in a family one of you is American and the other is Italian? You wing it and create your own type of party. We went to THE one party store that exists in a town not so far away from ours and I must say I was impressed with their wide variety. They have a lot of baking supplies which was like heaven for my husband since he will be making Izzie's cake, smash cake and all desserts. One thing I am borrowing from Martha Stewart is her cupcake recipe...I want cupcakes at this party. From all the cartoon characters Izzie likes Pooh bear, so we have opted for the honey-loving bear. We already have the date/time, invite list and menu, so we accomplished a lot today!
Another reason for today being special is because Izzie started "jumpimg" today!! She is sooo adorable!! For the past few days she gets into a tumble position which I joke with her and ask her if she's doing the downward facing dog position. Since she insists in doing that I decided to help her flip. Because I am afraid of hurting her, I lift her body completely and flip her-- boy does she love it! She quickly gets ready for another flip and another one. We only do this on top of our bed and she's aware of that because even if she gets into the tumble position in the living room, she doesn't ask to be flipped. Today besides tumbling she started jumping, well, according to her she is jumping. :) She crouches and then springs her body up and then she turns to look at you with such an excited expression like saying "did you see?" Several times her feet did actually come off the floor a few centimeters, so technically she did Jump! Anyone that sees her walking alone will immediately ask how old she is, they think she's older, instead she's only 11 months but she seems like a year and a half. I am so proud of my baby girl!!
-Mamma Jenn
martedì 8 giugno 2010
12:32 | Pubblicato da
Jenn R.S. |
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Today Izzie turns 11 months!! Yay for Izzie!! She is growing before my eyes and everyday we face a new adventure together. Last night wasn't the kind of adventure I had been looking forward to, but even that disaster we shared. Yesterday before going to bed she had wayyy too much energy and started playing on our bed. To make a long story short, she fell off of our bed. This time she didn't roll off our bed, she literally ran off the bed!! I felt so horrible and scared. Horrible because I didn't get to her on time, and it's obvious as to why I was scared. She cried for about 10-15 minutes straight, nothing could console her, not even Mommy's hugs. After we checked that she had not hurt herself (no bleeding, scratches, or bumps), we could breathe. She soon after fell asleep. I question, does it take for her to fall off of our bed to put her to sleep?? She's incredible, a handful is to say the least, you can't stay upset at her because she smiles at you and she makes you melt. She has so much love to offer and the more love you give her, the more love she shares. She is incredible.
Her Nonno Ugo gave her a surprise 11-month gift, it is a toy cash register that teaches numbers, colors, shapes and sounds both in Italian and English, when she saw it, she immediately smiled, she loved it! Of course like every baby, she immediately started scattering the smaller pieces here and there and Mommy had to go hunting for them. Her Abuelita Lulù on the other hand gave her a baby doll that cries for her bottle. Izzie will have to wait to get her monthly gifts from Abuelita, but time is creeping on us and before you know it we'll be out there! Which reminds me, my hubby was kind enough to remind me that we should start thinking about Izzie's 1st birthday party. I didn't think there was much to think about, we invite the usual people, we just have to set the time, send the invites and he cooks and bakes. I don't think there will be a particular theme or anything, or maybe I should have a flower theme. Izzie loves flowers and a flower cake and/or cupcakes should be easy to make, right?
Besides this birthday party, I need to start a plan on how to move Izzie from our bed to her crib. I am TIRED of her sleeping with us. I acknowledge it was MY fault to begin with, but I HAVE LEARNED MY LESSON!!! Before Izzie was born, I used to say that babies belong in their crib and not in bed with the parents. I am still a firm believer in it, I just happened to not do it, this time. Come to think about it, I actually put her in bed with me at the hospital!! She would cry so much that I would put her to sleep next to me and only then would she sleep. At least she slept then because I sure didn't, I was afraid I would roll over her! I didn't start her off in our bed immediately, she would sleep in her crib, but she hated it. At about 5 or 6 months I slowly started sneaking her in our bed, it was soooo much easier for me since I nurse her. Oh and by the way, I feel so proud of me, 11 months and I'm still nursing her!! I'm also getting a little tired of that, but I know I am giving her an awesome gift for she has yet to get sick. Knock on wood, on metal or whatever!! Anyway, there came a time when I started to put her in her crib and let her cry it out, yes the infamous Ferber method that a lot of moms criticize. It was the ONLY way she would go to sleep, luckily for me the most she ever did cry for was 30 minutes and then the following day it went to 15 min then 5 min. Why didn't I continue??!! She started to teeth and at this time, both my hubby and I thought: "Poor baby, she's hurting" and back to our bed she went. Now she completely takes over our bed and she leaves my hubby in one little edge and myself on the opposite little edge of the bed. How can a little body take over and entire bed?!?! She moves a lot too!! Well, I know whom she takes after and her sleeping positions? Yeah, just like her Mommy .jpg)
These pics are of us in the hospital, sleeping during the daytime when MY Mommy and hubby were there to take care of us. My sweet Mommy knew I needed to sleep some since I wasn't sleeping at night. Now Izzie is big and it's she whom rolls over us!! I need a plan and quick!!.jpg)
-Mamma Jenn
martedì 1 giugno 2010
16:24 | Pubblicato da
Jenn R.S. |
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In exactly 44 days we will be going home...well, my old home, my hometown that is. I am so excited!! There is only one thing I am not so excited about and that is a super long trip with a one year old. This will be Izzie's first long distance trip on a plane!! I am just so glad that my husband's son is coming along, so it'll be 3 of us taking turns walking along the aisles with Izzie. I know it's kinda silly to start a countdown at this point in time, but I cannot wait-- I want Mom's homemade meals! I will be spoiled with Mom's cooking for a month and a half and she already started taking note of what I am craving. I wonder whether Izzie will like Mexican and American food? I hope so! Every time we have gone back home I request a special 1st meal...we usually get there for lunchtime and this time it will not be any different. Last time, as crazy as this may seem, I was craving a cheeseburger from Jack in the Box, of all places!! But that is what I was craving, well, I was also pregnant the last time we went home. :) I have 43 days to decide on our 1st meal.
Besides my crazy countdown for Houston, I have another countdown going on, it's on a smaller scale, 7 days. It's 7 days until Izzie turns 11 months!! I can't believe my baby is going on 11 months!! Have I mentioned that she has 2 new teethers? She now has a total of 6! I wonder if she'll be growing 2 each month? If it is that way, she'll be having 10 teethers by the time she turns 1!! Today she successfully put her shapes in her Tupperware shape sphere thingy, I am such a proud Mommy as you can imagine. Finally another toy to keep her busy for more than 5 minutes, yay!!
Well I don't have much this time around, so I will post again in a few days...
-Mamma Jenn
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About Me

- Jenn R.S.
- Roma, Italy
- Loving and living life to the fullest for God has blessed me with the most wonderful gifts ever: my husband Roberto, my little girl Isabella Nadine, my 2nd baby whose debut we are waiting for,my family and friends.