I know I have said it many times that I would start weaning Izzie and was never able to do it. Well, a week ago Thursday, I decided to give her a bottle before bedtime and she took it, no questions asked! I was so thrilled!! She's been taking her bottle in the morning and before bedtime and she's nursed for her afternoon nap. I am so thrilled today because it's been over 24 hours that Izzie has not nursed, she's been strictly taking her bottle! She's picky however; she only wants her pink Tommee Tippee bottles with the pretty flower stickers, but I find it sweet that she herself asks for the bottle. We've been weaning her slowly for a week now, this Thursday, Thanksgiving day, it'll be 2 weeks!! I am very proud of her because despite the fact that Mommy is not giving her her "gnum gnum" and it must be hard on her, she's being a real trooper. It takes 3 weeks to get used to doing something, 1 more week to go and hopefully she'll be "gnum gnum"-free. I enjoyed nursing her for 16 months and probably would have nursed her longer, but we're TTC and I don't think it's happening because of me nursing. I don't want to have baby #2 when I'm 40, so I decided it was better to start weaning her slowly and it's working. My main concern was for her not to suffer too much, I'm not one for doing things drastically, while it works for some babies, it definitely doesn't work for Izzie. Slowly but surely is working for us better.
On a different note, this past weekend we had our annual Olive Harvest and it was Izzie's second harvest. She was so cute helping out, I hope that she grows up loving to do this harvest as much as I love it. Of course it'll be different for her since she will have known to do this from the time she was 4 months old whereas I learned to harvest olives when I was 33 years old, big difference!
Not everything fits in a perfect square, or box in our case. My life has changed dramatically since Izzie's birth, I keep saying that I know. It is only now that I feel more complete, I feel like a real wife, like a real mom and more than anything like a woman!! I'm sure every woman goes through the feelings of inadequacy after giving birth, the good Lord knows I did. I have made changes in my life that have made a big difference for me. These changes may be insignificant for many, because it's small things like taking over my kitchen and cooking all meals again or being able to wash at least one load of clothes a day, that have made a difference in my life. I love the fact that I cook for my husband and Izzie and they truly enjoy their meal, I love that I accept the fact that my house won't always be clean as long as Izzie is adventurous and continues to grow. I'm learning to take one day at a time, something I never did before. I used to live my life around a specific future goal, I used to live inside a perfect 4-sided square. Today, I accept the fact that you cannot live your life inside a perfect square...I am flexible to change.
Yesterday we had a Huge Oil Spill at our house, thank goodness it was only Olive Oil and Izzie didn't hurt herself. While we were watching TV, Izzie was running around, playing and doing only Lord knows what because all of the sudden we hear glass breaking! Immediately Roberto ran to Izzie to see that she had her Isabella placemat in hand and she was standing on broken glass and olive oil. I took her to the bathroom and undressed her, darn it, she had just taken a bath!! No blood anywhere on her-good, just her pj's and her shoes full of olive oil-tomorrow's laundry. My father in law is a very superstitious person, he believes spilling olive oil brings you bad luck. We've decided not to let him in on Izzie's Oil disaster; the last thing we need is Nonno warning us of bad luck. I can already hear him say "Oh Mamma mia, is Nonno's love ok?" Now we are left with olive oil re emerging from our tiles...I didn't know this but since the tiles are very porous the oil will sit to then come back to surface. This is not cool! It'll be a never ending battle with the oil then!
-Mamma Jenn
This post will only have pictures of Izzie's party here in Italy. We had a blast along with family and friends, the weather although hot was actually tolerable, meaning there was a nice breeze!! The next time I blog it will be from Texas for tomorrow we will be travelling!! Please keep my family and myself in your prayers as we will be on a 14 hr flight to Texas!!
Izzie with the Winnie-the-Pooh her Nonno Ugo gave her for her birthday
Finally Izzie is 1 year old, 12 months, 52 weeks or 365 days young, call it what you want, she's officially 1! It's so exciting to be a Mommy of a 1 year old. Unfortunately for my Izziebear today she had a vaccine shot, not the best way to start off her birthday, but you have to do what you have to do. I prefer her to suffer a little today than to suffer on the day of her birthday party which is on Saturday. Yesterday her Nonno Ugo gave her a birthday gift, her favorite bear Winnie-the-Pooh. And the picture of her smiling in her car seat, that is before the vaccine. She did cry when she got her shot, but not too much, she was brave!! In the afternoon we went to have some gelato and she had her own cone, strawberry flavored gelato. Yum!!
Remember when you were a little kid and you would connect the dots to see what image you would get once you connected every dot or number?? Well, if you did that right now, you would get a picture of my body. I have been biten almost everywhere!! I am in serious pain and it's no fair that neither my husband nor Izzie have been biten even once. Not that I wish that they get biten, it's just that I'm in pain and I hurt. Here are 2 pics of my arms, in the first one you can only see the biggest bite, but believe me there are a total of 5 bites that run along my arm and in the other picture only the 2 biggest bites show. I won't even post pictures of my legs because those are really bad! I don't know what I ever did to those stupid mosquitoes, but I'm seriously thinking about declaring war on them, I just don't know how. I can't even spray mosquito repellent because of Izzie, what do I do? Any suggestions?
Here's a pic of my little July baby celebrating her 1st Fourth of July. Our countdown until her birthday is down to 3 days!! I have decided not to continue baking more cupcakes nor trying to make a perfect frosting. There isn't any time; I really have to start packing. I want to be able to enjoy Izzie's party without having "luggage" in the back of my mind. Yesterday we finished buying the little things we needed, so now all I really have to do is pack. No excuses, just put it in the luggage. Oh wait!! I do have one excuse, I have to decide which suitcases we're taking. We decided to take 3 plus Izzie's suitcase. It really stinks that now one is only allowed 1 suitcase per person instead of 2. Since we know that we'll want to bring half of Texas in our suitcases, we decided we are going to pay for the 3rd. It's impossible travelling with only 2 suitcases, well, of course that is my opinion. ;)
Yesterday we went to Alice's first birthday party. Her birthday was actually on the 28th of June, but since it was on a Monday they decided to celebrate the following Sunday. Italians don't believe in celebrating a birthday ahead of time, even if it is just one day before, it brings bad luck they say. Here is a picture of both Alice and Izzie...we had a hard time getting Izzie to sit still, Alice on the other hand wouldn't look at the camera...babies!!
Ok, I better start planning my packing process, or better yet, start deciding which suitcases we will be taking.
-Mamma Jenn
The other night, Roberto and I watched the movie Julie & Julia or Julia & Julie, I forgot the order of the names. Anyway, the movie reminded me of me because of the Blog and although I am no longer cooking, I am baking cupcakes. I loved the part where Julie is blogging and asks herself "someone is reading this, right? Somebody?" I feel the same exact way! Sometimes I feel like I am only blogging and no one in this crazy overpopulated cyberworld reads my blog. So when I am told by my family or friends that they read my blog, I feel so happy. I used to keep a real diary for the longest time, actually until a few months before Izzie was born. I had planned on starting a new diary once Izzie was born, but yeah, that was only a dream because it sure didn't happen. I had no idea what Motherhood was really like back then, now almost a year later, I have decided that blogging is like keeping a diary anyway, so I am content with my accomplishment. If you read my blog, every now and then can you leave me a comment? It would make me feel even more happy. :)
Izzie's birthday countdown is at 6 days, us leaving to Houston countdown is at 12 days!!
-Mamma Jenn
9 days 'til the big ONE...here is my second batch of cupcakes with a new recipe, I gave Martha's recipe a kick out the door and found this recipe in a blog from a lady in northern England. To be honest I found many vanilla cupcake recipes, but this one in particular inspired me the most and here is the result. ta-da!! They are beautiful and delicious, I am happier with this recipe than with Martha's. Tomorrow I want to try the vanilla frosting and see what comes of it.
-Mamma Jenn
-Mamma Jenn
So this horrible weekend began on Friday evening, dinnertime. We decided to go eat some pizza at this awesome restaurant that brews their own beer, in fact, it was the beer that my hubby was craving, not really the pizza. The last time we ate at this place, our pizza was good, it was perfect, this time my pizza was YUCKY!! It was full of grease and had no taste. I seriously wanted to take it back to the waiter and ask him "would you eat this if you were fed this?" Instead I decided to keep my mouth shut, blot the pizza and eat what I could, it was nasty. That was the omen of a bad weekend, I should have seen it coming.
On Saturday we went to have our hair cut, both my hubby and I go to the same hairdresser, he's actually pretty good. My mom loved the way Roberto (hairdresser's name) cut her hair when she was here, she even said she can't wait to come back and have her hair done by him again. I was ready for a change, I wanted something different with my hair. I was tired of having my hair pulled back in a ponytail, I even considered having a bodywave or yikes! perm done, but that idea was quickly shot down, too risky. When Roberto (again, hairdresser) asked me what I had in mind for my cut, I told him I didn't know, but I knew I wanted a change. I did mention that I didn't want my hair short and I wanted something that wouldn't make my face looker rounder. He started doing his magic and snip snip here, snip snip there and I'm beginning to worry because I am seeing my mid-length hair become shorter. Snip snip here and snip snip there again and then I start remembering that I saw him take a drink out of a beer bottle before he washed my hair. I hope he was drinking water! The final result was horrible!! Was he drunk?! I haven't had this haircut since I was in middle school?!?! My face looks rounder than a full moon!! It's hair and it'll grow, right? I hope so!! I wonder if it'll grow before we go to Houston? We leave in July!! Something inside of me was telling me to only have a trim, but I didn't listen to that something, instead I WANTED change. I've decided that the next time I want change, I better eat an entire chocolate bar and then decide whether I really want change or I just want the chocolate. My hubby says that I just needed to calm down before I walked in to the salon and now that the damage is done, to just calm down. How can I calm down when my hair is short and ugly?! I can't even pull my hair back into a ponytail!! I now realize how much I used to love my ponytail. Sniff sniff. We had already planned on going to have ice cream after our hair cuts, this should have made me feel better, after all it's something sweet and yummy. Well why is it that the lady that served me decided by herself that I should have some panna on my ice cream? Panna is a heavy cream that I cannot have on my ice cream, does she not remember I am lactose intolerant? Boy am I getting upset with this lady and her simple mistake of putting panna on my ice cream because I have a horrible haircut!! AAARRRGGGHHHH!!!!
Ok, so the last day of horrible weekend, yesterday. We went to visit the only uncle and aunt from my hubby's dad's side. We love to go visit them because they live in a small, tiny town where it's quiet and you can relax and breathe nice clean air. There Izzie has 2 cousins, both males and both older than her. The oldest one is 13 and the youngest one is 3.5 years old. Nicolò, the younger one is like a mini-Bam Bam from the Flintstones, he's a rough kiddo. Luckily for Izzie he wasn't interested in playing with her, otherwise she probably would have been on the floor crying. Bless her heart, she did get her first knee-scrapes, but that didn't stop her from playing. So what was so bad about yesterday? The fact that a neighbor of the family asked me if I had gained weight because I looked a little heavier than the last time she had seen me. I just said "you think so? I probably have." Sniff sniff, I have not gained a pound since she last saw me, it's my darn haircut!! I told you I look rounder than a full moon!! I hate this haircut, so now not only do I look horrible, but I look FAT! So the next time I go get my hair cut, which will probably be next year, I will go in after I ate an entire chocolate bar and with a picture of the hairstyle that I want in hand. I will no longer walk in wanting change without being prepared.
Ok, I think I feel better now. Today is the beginning of a new week, new ugly haircut, so be it. :)

I meant to write on either the last day of April or the 1st of May, but that didn't happen as always when I plan things. I'm learning that being spontaneous is the best way to lead one's life because not everything can be planned. Izzie is now 10.5 months, I am in total awe at how fast time has flown!! I probably say that everytime I write, but it's just that I find it totally amazing how my little baby is growing! Milestones galore! Izzie had already been walking around the couch and in her playpen while holding on to the edges, well on the 18th of April she started walking by her self. At first she would take some steps, like 10 and then she would stop, but then she just decided to continue, she kept walking... now she's practically running! She also now has 4 chompers, two on the bottom and two on the top, they're adorable! She now eats pizza really well, in fact, bread and pizza are two of her favorites. I wonder what babies around the world like at this age? I remember the babies my Mom babysat and I don't recall them eating bread or pizza, but they did eat tortillas! I wonder now that they're are grown, do they still like tortillas? I am sure that Izzie will be loving pizza for a VERY long time. ;) One other thing Izzie really enjoys is strawberry gelato. I know, I know, I probably should not be giving her gelato at all, but it doesn't contain milk so it won't harm her and yes, it does have sugar, but doesn't Gerber's baby food also contain sugar? On the 8th of May, the day she turned 10 months I decided to give her her very first gelato cone, she ate it all!! Everyone that saw her eating her gelato was impressed to see such a little girl eating a cone by herself...impressive? Nah! Just very cute!! I promised her I would give her ice cream by her 1st birthday, but I love ice cream too much and I gave in and gave her some to try...she's an ice cream/gelato lover just like her Mommy. :)
February is coming to an end within 2 days! There was a Monday in which I thought, the week was going to be so long, but before you know it, we're at the end of February. It has been a special month for several reasons. Besides the fact that it's the month of Love and Friendship, it has been the month in which Isabella has started standing for like 10-25 seconds on her own! Sure she does it inside her play-pen, but it's obvious she would do it there for she feels safe in there. One other thing she has surprised me with is that when I am dressing her and put her shoes by her side, she will take one and put it over her foot. I never really taught her that shoes go on her feet, but this shows me that she really pays attention to what we do everyday. Her other milestone started almost a week ago...she finally started cutting in her teeth!! We have been waiting for this day for quite some time for she's been very fussy at night and we always assumed it was her teeth, now it really is. I first noticed it while we were out shopping at the Mall and I was making her laugh out loud, well, I noticed her bottom gum was finally cut, I almost cried there for I was so excited! I am proud of this moment, although since I still nurse her I'm also a little afraid. Every once in while I feel her little tips and they're sharp! Besides being a little afraid of her biting into me, there is one thing I don't like at all. When I give her water to drink out of her glass cup, she likes to bite into it making a shrieking noice that sounds like nails scratching a chalkboard. Just the thought of it gives me shivers! Last night I gave her her water in a plastic cup, much better, the sound is not as bad. She's so funny because the one thing she does not do is suck on her fingers, now you see her with one finger in her mouth and we figured it was her playing with her growing teeth. I guess she's curious about that "something new" that is growing in her mouth. One other new thing we did last night was instead of bathing her in her bathtub, I decided to shower with her. I felt up to it, I felt brave, so I decided why not? It was an experience, she hugged me so tight I couldn't lather her well! :) As she's growing one thing we have noticed is that she doesn't like water on her face and so washing her hair is a little difficult, but this time it was faster since it was under the shower. I showed her how Mommy's face was to go under the shower and she just looked not convinced. Needless to say the shower was much faster than us trying to bathe her in her bathtub and she DIDN'T cry!! She didn't like it, but at least she didn't cry. Ok, this will be the last thing I'll write about her doing new, she did it for the first time last night, she started clapping on her own! Everyone knows how cute it is to see a baby clap, and she's too cute!! So many little milestones this month, I wonder what she has in store for us next month?
About Me

- Jenn R.S.
- Roma, Italy
- Loving and living life to the fullest for God has blessed me with the most wonderful gifts ever: my husband Roberto, my little girl Isabella Nadine, my 2nd baby whose debut we are waiting for,my family and friends.